Of or relating to plants of the family Cucurbitaceae. 属于或关于葫芦科植物。
Any vine of the family Cucurbitaceae that bears hard-rinded fruits. 任何结硬壳果实的葫芦科藤蔓植物。
A dicot genus of the family cucurbitaceae including watermelons. 南瓜科的一个双子叶的属,包括西瓜。
Any plant of the family Cucurbitaceae. 葫芦科中任意一种植物。
Pumpkin is annual economic crop. And it is a plant genus of the family cucurbitaceae. It has very important economic value and medicine value. 南瓜是葫芦科南瓜属一年生经济作物,其经济价值和药用价值均十分显著。
Snakegourd, or Trichosanthes ( Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim) is Perennial Herb liana of medicinal plant in family Cucurbitaceae. 栝楼(TrichosantheskirilowiiMaxim)是葫芦科栝楼属的一种药食两用植物,多年生草质藤本。